
Call for Stakeholder Input
Aleutian Islands Ecosystem Research and Information Plan
Alaska Regional Marine Research Plan
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Survey Deadline: Monday, 31 March 2008

For further information, and to take the survey please go to:…

The Alaska Sea Grant College Program and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have organized a public survey in a
national effort to better coordinate regional marine research in the
United States. NOAA has been tasked with the lead responsibility to
assemble regional marine research plans and stakeholder guidance on
regional research priorities.

The Alaska Sea Grant College Program and NOAA hope to bring together
stakeholder groups, state and federal resource agencies, and others to
develop an Aleutian Islands Ecosystem Research and Information Plan that
will prioritize management-critical research and information needs for
the region. The Aleutian Islands Ecosystem Research and Information Plan
will address the interdisciplinary ecosystem needs for this region. It
is anticipated that an Aleutian Islands planning effort will serve as a
model for future development and implementation of other Alaska-region
marine research plans, and ultimately a comprehensive statewide marine
research and information plan.

To provide input on Alaska's Aleutian Islands Ecosystem Research needs,
please complete the online survey by clicking on the survey link at:…

The survey must be completed by Monday, 31 March 2008.

For more information about the Alaska Sea Grant College program, please
go to: