
Teaching Assistant Position Available
Alaska Summer Field Program
California State University Monterey Bay
Wrangell Mountains, Alaska
22 June - 10 August 2008

Application Deadline: Thursday, 20 March 2008

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Ben Shaine
E-mail: wildlandsstudiesalaska [at]

The California State University Wildlands Studies program invites
applications for a teaching assistant or junior faculty position for a
field course scheduled from 22 June to 10 August 2008, in the Wrangell
Mountains, Alaska. The field course will include extensive backpacking
in the wilderness of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. The
program is housed at the Wrangell Mountains Center, an institute for
environmental education, research, and the arts, located in the historic
town of McCarthy, Alaska, at the center of the park.

Position qualifications include expertise in plate tectonics and
evolution of Wrangellia and / or glaciology and Quaternary geology,
field experience in Alaska backcountry, a master's degree or substantial
progress toward a graduate degree, and an interest in teaching
undergraduates within a collaborative, interdisciplinary learning
community. Skill in natural history field journaling, scientific
illustration, or related wilderness visual art is a plus. Current
Wilderness First Responder certification is required.

Full information about the program is available at:

Candidates should email a letter of inquiry, resume, and contact
information for three references, by Thursday, 20 March 2008, to:
Ben Shaine
E-mail: wildlandsstudiesalaska [at]