
Workshop Announcement
Large-Scale Historical Exploitation of Polar Areas (LASHIPA)
28 April - 1 May 2008
Houghton, Michigan, USA

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Patrick Martin
E-mail: pemartin [at]

Nienke Boschman
E-mail: j.b.boschman [at]

The Large-Scale Historical Exploitation of Polar Areas (LASHIPA) group
announces its 2008 annual meeting, to be held 28 April - 1 May 2008, in
Houghton, Michigan, USA.

This year's workshop will continue the process of data sharing,
presentation of results, and planning for the future work of the
consortium and its members. The Industrial Archaeology program at
Michigan Technological University will host this session.

LASHIPA is an international organization centered around the historical
and archaeological study of industrialization in Polar Areas. The
LASHIPA group has cooperated successfully on several seasons of research
and teaching based in fieldwork in Svalbard, Norway. LASHIPA members
have garnered research funding from several national agencies and
continue to pursue support for joint efforts during the next two years.
LASHIPA has been officially sanctioned as an IPY research activity, with
explicit attention to international cooperation and interaction.

Scholars who might be interested in LASHIPA projects and the consortium
are encouraged to attend the annual workshop.

More information about LASHIPA can be found at:

Queries about LASHIPA or the annual meeting should be directed to:
Patrick Martin
pemartin [at]

Nienke Boschman
j.b.boschman [at]