
Summer Programs Announcement
Wrangell Mountains Center
McCarthy, Alaska

For further information, please contact:
Jessica Speed
E-mail: wmc [at]
Phone: 907-554-4464

Wrangell Mountains Center, based in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and
Preserve in Alaska, offers arts, science, and environmental education
programs that foster appreciation, understanding, and stewardship of
Alaska's wildlands and communities. The center offers experiential
education opportunities for people of all ages and abilities, and
embraces an interdisciplinary approach that includes analytical,
artistic, and spiritual modes of perception.

Programs range from a multi-week field course to hour-long evening
presentations, and are taught by resident experts, National Park Service
naturalists, scientists, and college professors. Most multi-day courses
are 3-5 days and have college credit available. Costs vary depending on
course length, with some shorter presentations requesting a donation
only. Full and partial scholarships are available for most programs.

The 2008 multi-day programs are:
- Alaska Wildlands Studies field program
- History of Kennecott and McCarthy
- Changing Landscapes - a natural history course
- Wrangell Mountains Writing Workshop
- Glaciers, Grizzlies and Grubstakes, natural history elder hostel with
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute of University of Alaska Fairbanks

The 2008 day or evening programs are:
- Mountain Arts for Youth
- Weekly Summer Arts and Lecture Series
- Wrangell Mountain Natural History Walks
- Tall Tales contest

Operations are based out of an historic hardware store building in
downtown McCarthy, and program participants will explore nearby glacial
environments and the historic mining town of Kennecott.

For more information including full program listings, dates, fees, and
scholarship application, please go to:

or contact:
Jessica Speed
E-mail: wmc [at]
Phone: 907-554-4464