
Call for Papers
Biogeochemistry of Weathering in Glacial Environments
Goldschmidt 2008 - "From Sea to Sky"
13-18 July 2008
Vancouver, Canada

Abstract Deadline: Saturday, 1 March 2008

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Martyn Tranter
E-mail: m.tranter [at]

The convenors of the "Biogeochemistry of Weathering in Glacial
Environments" session (16d) at the Goldschmidt 2008 Conference invite
presentation abstracts. The conference will take place on 13-18 July
2008, in Vancouver, Canada.

The ice within and the beds beneath glaciers are no longer believed to
be inert. Instead, there is a microbial presence, which may be
metabolizing slowly in interconnected liquid vein networks within the
ice and is active in aquatic environments at the bed. The expectation
now is that microbial communities will exist in the basal waters - lakes
and other hydrological flow paths - under the Antarctic and Greenland
Ice Sheets, and that these communities can be sustained by energy and
nutrient sources produced by glacial erosion of bedrock and other
over-ridden debris. This session will have four principal sub-themes: a)
Biogeochemical processes in the glacial environments; b) Microbial
utilization of diverse REDOX couples in glacial environments; c)
Geochemical fluxes from glaciated terrain and their consequences and; d)
Geochemistry of glacial weathering on other icy planetary bodies.

All abstracts must be submitted on the authorized abstract template by
Saturday, 1 March 2008. The registration fee is $100 CDN.

For further information and to download the application template, please
go to:

For further information about the session, please contact:
Martyn Tranter
E-mail: m.tranter [at]