
Call for Papers
Past, Present and Future Polar Climate Change
SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference
8-11 July 2008
St. Petersburg, Russia

Abstract Deadline: Saturday, 1 March 2008

For further information, please go to:

Papers are invited for "Past, Present and Future Polar Climate Change"
(session 1.5) being held at the Scientific Committee on Antarctic
Research (SCAR) / International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) IPY Open
Science Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, on 8-11 July 2008.

Session description:
The understanding and quantification of northern and southern polar
processes in driving and amplifying global climate variability as
recorded in paleoclimate (ice, ocean, land) archives and observed by
multi-decadal monitoring programs is crucial for the generation of
realistic climate models and estimates of future sea level. The session
should bring together paleo-/climatologists, paleo-/oceanographers, and
modelers to present and discuss the current state of knowledge of:
(a) the complex pathway and timing of climate development at orbital,
millennial, and submillennial to decadal time-scales,
(b) its internal amplification and propagation mechanisms (ice, ocean,
atmosphere) including bi-polar, circum-Arctic, circum-Antarctic, and
polar-global linkages,
(c) effects of external forcing (insolation, solar activity),
(d) related past sea level and biosphere changes,
(e) simulations of past and future polar climate and sea level
development, and
(f) to discuss strategies of upcoming research to augment our knowledge
in this field, considering relevant projects initiated for IPY

For more information, please contact the session co-conveners:
Rainer Gersonde
E-mail: Rainer.Gersonde [at]

Kumiko Azuma
E-mail: kumiko [at]

To submit an abstract for this and other sessions, please go to: