
Science Courses at University of Alaska Fairbanks Summer Sessions

Registration Opens: Monday, 25 February 2008

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
UAF Summer Sessions
Phone: 907-474-7021 or 1-866-404-7021 (toll free in U.S.)
E-mail: summer [at]

Registration for courses for the 2008 University of Alaska Fairbanks
(UAF) Summer Sessions opens on Monday, 25 February 2008. There are two
6-week sessions, one 12-week session, and numerous weekend courses. All
registrants are eligible for in-state tuition for all summer courses.

Arctic-related courses are being offered in education and many
scientific disciplines, including biology, natural resource management,
geosciences, petroleum engineering, and marine sciences. Some courses
involve travel in Alaska and others travel internationally.

Arctic- and Alaska-related summer courses include:
- Botanical Illustration
- Natural History of Alaska
- Natural History of Alaska - Laboratory
- Fundamentals of Biology I&II
- Introduction to Alaska's Birds
- Introduction to Alaska's Flora
- Introduction to Field Entomology
- Introduction to Macro and Micro Mushroom Identification
- Field Course in Arctic Science
- Interior Alaskan Mosses
- Chemistry in Complex Systems
- Drawing Nature: A Way of Learning
- Why Do Boreal Forests Matter?
- Connecting Land and People in the Central Brooks Range
- Understanding the Role of Permafrost in a Rapidly Warming Climate
- Practicum in Fisheries: Fisheries Observer Program
- Marine Communities
- Engineering Geology of Alaska and Northern Canada
- Glaciers, Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Past, Present and Future
- Introduction to Field Methods in Glaciology
- International Volcanological Field School: Katmai National Park
- International Volcanological Field School: Kamchatka, Russia
- SAR: Principles and Applications
- InSAR: Principles and Applications
- Field Techniques in Interdisciplinary Sea-Ice Research
- Kelp Forest Ecology
- Marine Vertebrates of Kachemak Bay
- Climate Change in Alaskan Estuaries
- Marine Invertebrates
- Scientific Cold Water Diving
- Advanced Wilderness Leadership Education
- Alaska Soil Geography Field Study: Soils Affected by Permafrost
- Fundamentals of Petroleum
- Fundamentals of Drilling Practices

The full catalog, with complete course descriptions and registration
instructions, is available at: