
Postdoctoral Position Available
Arctic Biosphere-Atmosphere Coupling Across Multiple Scales
Institute of Ecosystem Science
School of Biological Sciences
University of Durham, UK

Application Deadline: Monday, 25 February 2008

For further information, please select job reference number 2368 at:

The University of Durham invites applications for a fourteen-month,
fixed-term postdoctoral research associate position available from 1
April 2008, in the laboratory of Bob Baxter, Institute of Ecosystem
Science, School of Biological Sciences.

The aim of this appointment is to undertake research activities related
to the objectives of the ABACUS consortium (
to improve understanding of the controls on carbon, water, and energy
exchange between arctic terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere.
ABACUS is a consortium of UK researchers funded by the UK Natural
Environment Research Council for a period of three years (2006-2009)
under its International Polar Year funding initiative. Durham University
is a partner in this consortium.

The appointee will work under the immediate direction of Bob Baxter
(Durham) and in collaboration with Brian Huntley (Durham), Mauritzio
Menccuchini (University of Edinburgh), and Phil Ineson (University of
York). S/he will join a team comprised of eight postdoctoral research
associates across the consortium.

The principal output from the successful candidate will be the continued
implementation of a range of measurement techniques to measure carbon
dioxide flux between tundra and forest ecosystems and the atmosphere
(including portable IRGA, ecosystem chambers [soil and whole ecosystem],
and branch bag techniques).

While the post will be based principally at Durham, the appointee will
spend significant periods of the 2008 field season at Kevo, Finland, and
potentially at Abisko, Sweden, as well as possible short periods at
other collaborating institutions within the UK or abroad.

Informal enquiries may be directed to:
Bob Baxter
E-mail: robert.baxter [at]
Phone: +44-0-191-334-1261

For further information, including the full job description and
application instructions, please select job reference number 2368 at: