
Call for Papers and Sessions
16th Inuit Studies Conference: Imagining Inuit Imagining
23-25 October 2008
Winnipeg, Canada

Deadline for Abstracts and Session Proposals: Friday, 29 February 2008

For further information, please contact:
Chris Trott
Phone: 204-474-8101
E-mail: trottcg [at]

Peter Kulchyski
Phone: 204-474-6333
E-mail: kulchysk [at]

Abstracts for papers and combined abstracts for sessions are invited for
the 16th Inuit Studies Conference to be held on 23-25 October 2008, at
St. John's College at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. The
conference theme, "Imagining Inuit Imagining," refers to investigations
of Inuit culture that mark the place of Inuit within the western
imagination (imagining Inuit); discussion and reflection on Inuit
imaginative productions (Inuit imaginings); and examination of the place
of Inuit imagination in Qallunaat constructions or the way in which
Inuit imagination is imagined (imagining Inuit imagining). Imagining is
to be taken in its broadest sense, not only as a reference to creative
works but also how both Qallunaat and Inuit imagine each other through

Organizers welcome brief abstracts (150 to 250 words) and sessions that
reflect upon these themes. Organizers specifically encourage scholars
interested in the work of the late Alootook Ipellie to form a session.
Abstracts may be submitted from any academic discipline, crossing the
social sciences and humanities, though interdisciplinary work is
especially welcome. Proposals from Inuit scholars or cultural producers,
including new imaginative productions, are particularly welcome. The
deadline for submissions is Friday, 29 February 2008.

For further information, please contact:
Chris Trott
Phone: 204-474-8101
E-mail: trottcg [at]

Peter Kulchyski
Phone: 204-474-6333
E-mail: kulchysk [at]