
New Master and Doctoral Fellowship Program

Application Deadline: Thursday, 31 January 2008

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Suzanne van Drunick
Email: suzanne.vandrunick [at]

NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) and the Cooperative
Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) are pleased to
announce a new Master and Doctoral Fellowship program. The competitive,
educational award is designed to foster academic excellence and
interactive research. Research topics for the 2008 Fellowship
competition include:
- Aerosol and Climate Research
- Arctic Atmospheric Sciences Research
- Carbon Cycle and Climate Change
- Characterizing Emissions and Levels of Trace Gases over North America
- Data Assimilation for Advanced Regional Weather Analysis and Prediction
- Enhancing Optical Remote Sensing Capabilities of a NOAA Research
- Linking Weather and Climate
- U.S. and Worldwide In Situ Continuous Measurement of non-CO2
Greenhouse Gases

Open to exceptional prospective graduate students in earth system
sciences and environmental science policy. Awards include full tuition,
partial health insurance, half-time (50%) stipend during the academic
year and 100% stipend during the summer, and approved travel to one
professional meeting. Master's students will be supported for two years
and Ph.D. students for four years.

The application deadline is Thursday, 31 January 2008.

For further information, including application instructions please go to:

or contact:
Suzanne van Drunick
Assistant Director for Science
Email: suzanne.vandrunick [at]