
IPY Summer Field Class
Alaska Soil Geography
6-15 July 2008
University of Alaska Fairbanks

For further information, please contact:
Chien-Lu Ping
Phone: 907-746-9462
E-mail: pfclp [at]

An IPY summer field class, "Alaska Soil Geography Field Study Class: The
genesis and classification of permafrost-affected soils," will be held
in northern Alaska on 6-15 July 2008.

Hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the class will consist of
a nine-day field trip to study soil morphology and soil formation in the
zone of discontinuous and continuous permafrost. Participants will spend
one day in Fairbanks studying the effect of aspect on thermo-regime
along a toposequence, two days at Coldfoot studying soils associated
with black spruce at the northern fringe of the boreal forest, and five
days north of the Brooks Range studying tundra soils on the Arctic
Coastal Plain and the Arctic Foothills.

Of the five days on the tundra, participants will spend two days along a
toposequence north of Toolik Lake and one day at the Imnaviat Creek
Watershed studying soil formation, and one day at pipeline milepost 24
studying soil formation across the micro relief caused by ice wedge
polygon. The discussion will be focused on the cryogenic aspect of soil
formation, classification, and management interpretation in the context
of climate change.

Participants are required to register through the University of Alaska
Fairbanks Summer Session ( The registration
fee includes tuition for one credit plus insurance ($169 for
undergraduate level and $312 for graduate level). The $600 field trip
fee will cover transportation, six days of camp food, and two days
lodging at Toolik Field Station. The cost does not cover food and
lodging in Fairbanks.

Interested participants must obtain instructor approval before
registering by contacting:
Chien-Lu Ping
Phone: 907-746-9462
E-mail: pfclp [at]