
New Website Available
Listening to our Past
Association des francophones du Nunavut

The website is available in French, English, and Inuktitut at:

The Association des francophones du Nunavut announces the new "Listening
to our Past" website, a resource for Inuit students and all who are
interested in the Inuit culture. The website is available in French,
English, and Inuktitut.

"Listening to our Past" offers online access to twelve Inuit Traditional
Knowledge books published by the Language and Culture Program of Nunavut
Arctic College. These books provide information on various topics of
Inuit culture, such as Traditional Law, Traditional Health, Childrearing
Practices, Chamanism, Development of Government Services in the Arctic,
Creation of Nunavut, as well as American Military Presence in the
1950's. Nearly seventy elders and political leaders were interviewed,
and numerous researchers, interpreters, translators, correctors, and
students were involved in the project.

The creation of the "Listening to our Past" website was made possible by
a contribution of Canadian Heritage, Canadian Culture Online service.
Other partners instrumental in the production of the website are Nunavut
Arctic College, Qikiqtani Inuit Association, Interuniversity Centre for
Aboriginal Studies and Research of Laval University, Igloolik Isuma
Productions, The National Research Council Canada, Igloolik Artcirq
Productions, and Nunavut Sivuniksavut.

For further information, please contact:
Louis McComber
Project Manager
Serpentine Communications Ltd
Phone: 450-538-0476
E-mail: l.mccomber [at]

Daniel Cuerrier
Executive Director
Association des francophones du Nunavut
Phone: 867-979-4606, ext. 29
E-mail: cuerrier [at]