
Fieldwork Funding Available
Abisko Scientific Research Station
Abisko, Sweden

Application Deadlines: 1 January 2008; 1 March 2008

For further information, please go to:

With the EU-grant ATANS (Access To Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station)
for the period 2005-2008, the Abisko Scientific Research Station in
Sweden will financially support travel and accommodation costs for
scientists from EU-countries (outside Sweden) as well as scientists from
Associated States.

Proposals are invited from established and young researchers that relate
to research on the natural environment (geosphere, biosphere,
hydrosphere, and cryosphere) of the Abisko area. Some specific
scientific areas are particularly encouraged, such as projects that
integrate or link existing research groups, (e.g., IPY projects,
SCANNET), projects led by scientists from new EU-member states, projects
that focus on environmental processes during winter, and projects by
first-time Abisko users and research groups. The Abisko Scientific
Research Station is a unique, long-established, modern and comprehensive
infrastructure situated in a wilderness area about 200 km north of the
Arctic Circle within a range of terrestrial and freshwater environments.
The station is easily accessible by road, rail, and air, and provides a
unique milieu of international environmental expertise.

Further information and application details are available at: