
New Arctic Sea Ice Animation Online
National Snow and Ice Data Center

The sea ice animation is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Ross Swick
E-mail: swick [at]

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has released a new
animation for Google Earth showing two months of daily sea ice
concentrations in the Arctic, leading up to the record shattering sea
ice minimum on 16 September 2007. Images are derived from the Near
Real-Time SSM/I EASE-Grid Daily Global Ice Concentration and Snow Extent
(NISE) product, which has been produced at NSIDC on a daily basis for
the past decade.

The monthly average sea ice extents for July, August, and September are
also shown to provide an indication of how dramatic the retreat was this

The 600 KB kmz file is available at:

For more information on the NISE product, please see the catalog page:

The animation uses the time slider in Google Earth to animate the
images. For information on how to use the time slider, please see the
tutorial at: