
New Book Set Available
Pipelines in Permafrost and Freezing Ground
Permafrost Environmental Consulting

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Permafrost Environmental Consulting
Phone: 613-746-4422
E-mail: white [at]

"Pipelines in Permafrost and Freezing Ground," a new fourteen-volume
book set with accompanying software products, is now available from
Permafrost Environmental Consulting.

Developed from six databases produced during twelve years of full-scale
physical modeling of pipelines in freezing ground and permafrost, the
fourteen-volume set allows the user to evaluate aspects of frost heave
attributed to differences in the properties of the soil, differences in
the thermal transition between perennially frozen and seasonally frozen
soil, and different hydrological conditions.

Models are used to predict:
- Soil strain and soil creep;
- Frost heave and frost bulb growth;
- Thaw consolidation and pipeline relaxation;
- Pressure in freezing soils and permafrost-affected soils;
- Bending stresses in buried pipelines;
- Uplift resistance of pipelines in permafrost; and
- Hydrological properties of freezing soils and permafrost-affected

The fourteen-volume Engineering Library may be purchased with several
different program and database modules, for example:
- Engineering Library combined with a Sample Program Module;
- Engineering Library combined with a Frost Penetration and Frost Heave
Program Module; and
- Engineering Library combined with Pipelines in Permafrost and Freezing
Ground Database Module.

Each Library may be purchased individually or in custom sets to meet the
needs of clients.

For more information, please contact:
Les White
E-mail: white [at]
Phone: 613-746-4422