
Postdoctoral Position Available
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Application Deadline: Friday, 30 November 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:

Yvette Spitz
Phone: 541-737-3227
E-mail: yvette [at]

The College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (COAS) at Oregon State
University announces the availability of a full-time position for a
Postdoctoral Research Associate. The successful candidate will join an
interdisciplinary team of researchers studying the impact of changes in
arctic sea ice on the marine planktonic ecosystem.

COAS is one of the world's leading oceanographic and atmospheric
sciences graduate research institutions, with more than 200 faculty and
staff members, more than 90 graduate students, and a wide variety of
assets including an excellent computing infrastructure, state-of-the-art
analytical facilities, and two research vessels.

The successful applicant will engage in a collaborative program aimed at
qualitatively and quantitatively examining the impact of a diminished
ice cover on the structure and functioning of the arctic marine
planktonic ecosystem. The applicant, in collaboration with investigators
from the Applied Physical Laboratory (Seattle, Washington), Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution and University of Rhode Island, will
participate in the development and coupling of an ecosystem model as
part of the coupled pan-arctic Biology/Ice/Ocean Modeling and
Assimilation System (BIOMAS). This full coupled model is designed for
synthesis and modeling of the integrated arctic system of ice cover,
ocean, and marine planktonic ecosystem. The position requires
publication of results in peer-reviewed journals and participation in
science team and oceanographic research meetings.

Required qualifications include a PhD in oceanography or other relevant
Earth science, experience in numerical ecosystem model development and
coupling with circulation models. Preference will be given to applicants
with plankton process experience and to those with excellent
communication and presentation skills. The successful candidate should
be able to work independently and integrate efforts with a larger
research team, and should be willing to travel. Preferred qualifications
include a demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity.

To review posting and to apply electronically, see posting number
0001648 at:

To review position announcement go to:

The application deadline is Friday, 30 November 2007.

Questions about the position may be directed to:
Yvette Spitz
Phone: 541-737-3227
E-mail: yvette [at]