
Call for Papers and Posters
"Interactions Between Climate Change and the Fate of Contaminants in
Polar Environments"
SETAC World Congress, 3-7 August 2008
Sydney, Australia

Application Deadline: 15 January 2008

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Brigit Braune
Environment Canada
Phone: +1-613-998-6694
E-mail: brigit.braune [at]
Nico van den Brink
Centre for Ecosystem Studies
E-mail: nico.vandenbrink [at]

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is an
international society of 5000 members in 78 countries. The Society is a
nonprofit, worldwide professional society comprised of individuals and
institutions engaged in: the study, analysis, and solution of
environmental problems, the management and regulation of natural
resources, environmental education, and research and development.
SETAC's mission is to support the development of principles and
practices for protection, enhancement and management of sustainable
environmental quality and ecosystem integrity.

The 5th SETAC World Congress will be held in Sydney, Australia, 3-7
August 2008. The session is entitled "Interactions Between Climate
Change and the Fate of Contaminants in Polar Environments." Organizers
seek to assemble a group of scientists to comment on and give examples
of the dramatic changes in climate now taking place in polar
environments. Given that the 5th SETAC World Congress falls in the
middle of the International Polar Year's (IPY) research period, and
given IPY's focus on change in polar environments, this session will be
both timely and multidisciplinary.

All abstracts must be submitted through the SETAC website. Submissions
will be considered through 15 January 2008. Invited presenters must
register for the meeting and pay applicable registration fees.

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Birgit Braune
Phone: +1-613-998-6694
E-mail: birgit.braune [at]
Nico van den Brink
Phone: +0-317-477-872
Email: nico.vandenbrink [at]