
Change of Address
Saami Baiki Office
Fairbanks, Alaska

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Faith Fjeld
Phone: 907-457-1013
E-mail: faithfjeld [at]

The Saami Baiki Office is now located at:
4454 Condor Court #1
Fairbanks, AK 99709
Phone: 907-457-1013

The Saami Baiki Office library contains information about the
introduction of reindeer to Alaska in the 1890s, and focuses on the
interaction of the Saami, Chukchi, Inupiaq and Yup'k herders who were
part of the Reindeer Project. The information is gleaned from extensive
oral history research among the descendants of the Reindeer Project.

Visitors to the office will be given an opportunity to read books and
manuscripts on many other Saami-related subjects as well. The office is
also designed to provide a comfortable setting in which to conduct small
workshops and discussion groups. The office is now located close to the
University of Alaska Fairbanks main campus, which makes it easily
accessible to university students and other researchers.

The office is a non-profit project of the Center for Environmental
Economic Development.

The work of the Saami Baiki Office is supported by the Barbro Osher Pro
Suecia Foundation, the Shared Beringian Heritage Project of the National
Park Service, and by contributions from the subscribers to Baiki: the
International Sami Journal, which is published by the Saami Baiki

For further information about the Saami Baiki Office, please contact:
Faith Fjeld
Phone: 907-457-1013
E-mail: faithfjeld [at]