
Conference Announcement
Polar Research: Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the
International Polar Year
SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference
8-11 July 2008
St. Petersburg, Russia

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2008

For further information, please go to:

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and International
Arctic Science Committee (IASC) announce the SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science
Conference, "Polar Research: Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the
International Polar Year," to be held 8-11 July 2008, in St. Petersburg,
Russia. The conference will be held in conjunction with the XXX SCAR
Meeting that includes science business sessions (5-7 July) and the
Delegates' Meeting (14-16 July in Moscow).

Topics for science sessions at the SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference
- Status and Change;
- Polar/Global Linkages;
- A Sense of Discovery;
- The Poles as a Vantage Point for Observations; and
- People and Resources at the Poles.

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited and should be
submitted before 15 January 2008, at:

For further information, please contact:
Alexander Klepikov
E-mail: klep [at]

Julia Raiskaya
E-mail: scar-iasc-ipy2008 [at]