
Call for Papers
Resilience 2008: Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times
14-17 April 2008
Stockholm, Sweden

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 16 November 2007

For further information, please go to:

Papers are invited for "Resilience 2008: Resilience, Adaptation and
Transformation in Turbulent Times," an international science and policy
conference, being held on 14-17 April 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations are being
accepted until Friday, 16 November 2007.

The overall framework of the conference stresses that society and nature
represent truly interdependent social-ecological systems,
social-ecological systems are complex adaptive systems, and cross-scale
and dynamic interactions represent new challenges for governance and
management in relation to interdependent social-ecological systems and
ecosystem services.

The conference has proposed the following overall themes, with a few
tentative sub-themes to be expanded and further developed during fall
2007. Each overall theme will have presentations in plenary.
- Resilience, global change, and globalization;
- Traps, regime shifts, and transformations;
- Adaptations and sources of resilience for dealing with change;
- Knowledge management and social-ecological learning;
- Adaptive governance and multilevel challenges;
- Complex systems, resource management, and economic development;
- Urban social-ecological system challenges;
- Freshwater, food, and ecosystem services in production landscapes; and
- Coastal and marine social-ecological challenges.

Resilience 2008 is organized by the Resilience Alliance in collaboration
with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and International Council for
Science (ICSU). Local organizers are the Stockholm Resilience Centre at
Stockholm University, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), and Beijer
International Institute of Ecological Economics (Conference

Conference information, including abstract submission instructions and
online registration, is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Christina Leijonhufvud
E-mail: chris [at]