
Database Update
Online Glacier Photograph Database
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Boulder, Colorado, USA

The updated database is available at:

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) announces recent updates
to the Online Glacier Photograph Database. More than 1,200 photographs
of Greenland glaciers have been digitized from slides and are now
available for online viewing and downloading.

The Greenland photograph collection was donated to the World Data Center
for Glaciology in Boulder in the mid-1980s by Captain Ron Kollmeyer of
the U.S. Coast Guard who led the Greenland Glacier Survey. The
photographs of western Greenland glaciers were taken between 1969 and
1980, from ground observation stations and from U.S. Coast Guard
helicopters at an altitude between 100 and 1,000 feet.

In addition, the database includes fifty photographs taken between 1890
and 1996 of glaciers in Colorado and New Zealand. The Colorado glacier
photographs were taken by Junius Henderson, Oscar A. Randolph, Rudolph
Johnson, and Russell Allen. The photos are of Andrews, Arapaho, Fair,
Isabel, Mills, Saint Vrain, and Taylor glaciers. A series of photos
(1951-1964) of the Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand have also been
added to the online collection.

For information about these updates or to access the data, please go to:

Inquiries may be directed to NSIDC User Services at: nsidc [at]