
Graduate Student Positions Available
Marine Biogeochemistry
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS)
University of Alaska Fairbanks

For further information about graduate programs at SFOS, please go to:

The School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) at the University of
Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) has several openings for Masters and PhD students
in marine biogeochemistry starting in the fall of 2008. The ideal
candidate will be self-motivated with a background in chemistry,
engineering, biology, or environmental science with strong computer
skills and some previous lab or field experience. The successful
applicants will work with Jeremy T. Mathis on an active research program
in the Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska. Incoming students
will have the flexibility to design projects that fit their interests
within the context of the overall objectives of the lab. Areas of study
might include marine ecosystem dynamics, ocean acidification, impacts of
climate change on marine systems, and terrestrial inputs to the marine
environment. Annual stipend will be provided at $18,800 USD for Masters
students and $23,900 USD for PhD students with tuition and health care
coverage provided. Applicants should establish contact with SFOS by
February 2008.

For additional information and to apply, please go to:

Inquiries may be directed to:
Jeremy T. Mathis
Phone: 907-474-5926
E-mail: jmathis [at]