
Position Announcement
Research Officer in Glaciology and Remote Sensing
Swansea University
Wales, UK

Application Deadline: Friday, 26 October 2007

For further information, please go to:,17831,en.a…

The School of the Environment and Society at Swansea University is
seeking a creative and innovative Research Officer for a fixed term of
36 months to work on the Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership project
GLIMPSE: Stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

The Research Officer will work closely with the Swansea Glaciology Group
to: (1) develop methods for measuring melt pond extent on the ice sheet
surface and fjord sea ice coverage and upscale these across wide areas;
(2) partake in challenging and remote fieldwork to monitor lake drainage
events and their impact on ice dynamics; and (3) investigate novel
methods for monitoring thickness changes at the margin of the Greenland
Ice Sheet. Applicants must have a PhD in geophysics, glaciology, or a
numerate geosciences discipline, be highly motivated and a cooperative
team player, and have excellent interpersonal communication and writing

A complete position description, including application instructions and
links to websites with further information about the project, is
available at:,17831,en.a…

Informal inquiries regarding the position may be directed to:
Tavi Murray
Phone: +44-1792-602269
E-mail: t.murray [at]