
New Movie Available Online
Simulated Sea Ice Thickness and Satellite Observed Ice Extent for
Summer 2007
Polar Science Center
Applied Physics Laboratory
University of Washington

The movie is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Jinlun Zhang
Phone: 206-543-5569
E-mail: zhang [at]

Given the interest in the rapid retreat of arctic sea ice in summer
2007, the Polar Science Center, Applied Physics Laboratory at University
of Washington announces the online availability of a new movie that
shows both model-simulated ice thickness and satellite-observed ice
extent from June to September 2007.

The movie is available at:

The movie is part of the NSF-funded project Projections of an
Ice-Diminished Arctic Ocean: Retrospection and Future Projection, which
aims to (1) examine the historical evolution of the arctic ice-ocean
system to understand the large-scale changes that have occurred in sea
ice and the upper Arctic Ocean, and (2) project a diminished arctic
sea-ice cover under multiple warming scenarios to understand key
linkages among atmospheric forcing, sea-ice processes, and oceanic
processes in an ice-diminished Arctic Ocean and the adjacent seas. The
development of the model, the Pan-Arctic ice-ocean modeling and
assimilation system, has also been supported by NASA.

For further information about Projections of an Ice-Diminished Arctic
Ocean: Retrospection and Future Projection, please go to: