
Proposal Assistance Available
VECO Polar Resources (VPR)
NSF Arctic Research Opportunities Solicitation

Deadline: Monday, 22 October 2007

For further information, please click on "Proposal Assistance" at the
VPR website at:

or contact:
Diana Garcia-Lavigne
E-mail: diana [at]

Researchers planning to include a support letter and estimate for
logistics support from VECO Polar Resources (VPR) in their proposals
under the current National Science Foundation (NSF) Arctic Research
Opportunities solicitation are asked to contact VPR by Monday, 22
October 2007, to request these documents. Researchers are also
encouraged to closely review the section "Proposals Involving Arctic
Field Work" in the NSF solicitation available at:

Depending on the complexity of the proposed fieldwork, it may take
between three to six weeks to develop an estimate. Due to the high
volume of requests, VPR will be unable to fulfill proposal estimates
received after Monday, 22 October 2007. Please note the deadline for
proposals to the Arctic Research Opportunities solicitation is Saturday,
10 November 2007.

Researchers should submit field plans and support requirements to VPR
Planning Manager Diana Garcia-Lavigne at: diana [at]

As the logistics contractor for NSF, VPR annually provides
transportation, field camps, communications, and infrastructure support
to over 150 projects throughout the Arctic and near-Arctic.

For further information, please click on the "Proposal Assistance" link
at the VPR website at: