
PhD Announcement
Atmospheric Chemistry-Cryosphere Interactions
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan
Wageningen University and Research Center, Wageningen, Netherlands
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR), University of
Colorado at Boulder

Positions will remain open until filled

For further information please contact:
Richard Honrath
E-mail: reh [at]

Laurens Ganzeveld
E-mail: laurens.ganzeveld [at]

Detlev Helmig
E-mail: detlev.helmig [at]

Three doctoral positions are available for a collaborative,
multi-university research program, coordinated by a team of scientists
from the Atmospheric Sciences program at Michigan Technological
University, the Department of Environmental Sciences of Wageningen
University and Research Centre, Netherlands, and the Institute of Arctic
and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado, at Boulder.

The aim of this PhD project will be to develop and evaluate a more
mechanistic representation of cryosphere chemical exchanges for
implementation in chemistry-climate models. New model parameterizations
to be developed include dependencies on snow physics, snow
photochemistry and the representation of stable boundary layer dynamics.
The model development and evaluation will rely on the use of existing
data and on new observations that will be collected during field studies
in snow-covered environments, including Alaska, Michigan, Colorado, and
Summit, Greenland.

Each appointment will address one component of the project and will be
divided as follows:

  • One appointment at Michigan Tech, addressing a field measurement
    component, with research emphasis on nitrogen oxides, exchanges, and
    chemistry. For further information please contact Richard Honrath
    (reh [at] at Michigan Tech Atmospheric Sciences.

  • A second appointment through INSTAAR, addressing a field measurement
    component, with research emphasis on ozone fluxes and chemistry. For
    further information please contact Detlev Helmig
    (detlev.helmig [at] at INSTAAR's Atmospheric Research

  • A third appointment through INSTAAR, addressing a modeling component.
    The candidate for this position will be expected to split time between
    Boulder and Wageningen, with possible time in the field. For further
    information, please contact Laurens Ganzeveld (laurens.ganzeveld [at]
    at the Wageningen University and Research Center.

Candidates should possess a background in boundary layer meteorology or
snowpack-atmosphere interactions and demonstrate an interest in
atmospheric sciences and chemistry. Prior to applying, candidates are
expected to contact the primary investigator of the projects listed
above for information on the graduate program, candidate selection, and
application directions. The positions will remain open until filled.