
Scientific Ice Expedition (SCICEX) Science Advisory Committee

For further information, please contact:
Paul Stewart, Chair
Submarine Arctic Science Program Interagency Committee (IAC)
Office of Naval Research
E-mail: Paul_Stewart [at]

The Office of Naval Research and National Science Foundation announce
the new membership of the Scientific Ice Expedition (SCICEX) Science
Advisory Committee (SAC). In addition to representatives from the
sponsoring federal agencies, the committee is comprised of:
Tim Boyd, Oregon State University
Margo Edwards, University of Hawaii
Jackie Richter-Menge, Chair, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory
Ray Sambrotto, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Bill Smethie, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Terry Tucker, Enfield, New Hampshire
Mark Wensnahan, University of Washington, Seattle

The reconstituted SAC plans a kick-off meeting at the U.S. Navy's Arctic
Submarine Lab ( on 6-7 December 2007, in
San Diego, California.

As per an interagency Memorandum of Agreement, the U.S. Navy's submarine
force supports scientific research (primarily baseline data collection)
accomplished through what are referred to as accommodation cruises. Data
may be collected on a not-to-interfere basis during submarine
expeditions or transits. The Memorandum of Agreement is available at:

The submarine force seeks a vetted list of data requirements from SAC
and the Interagency Advisory Committee (chaired by a representative from
the Office of Naval Research and including representatives of the Chief
of Naval Operations, National Science Foundation, U.S. Arctic Research
Commission, and Arctic Submarine Lab) to serve as the basis of a science
plan for future missions of opportunity. To this end, the greater
scientific community is invited to contact members of SAC with

Background on SCICEX:
Since 1993, the U.S. Navy has provided access to submarines operating in
the Arctic Ocean for civilian academic research under a program often
referred to as SCICEX. The federal agencies that fund arctic marine
science utilize existing fleet submarines as unique research platforms
in the Arctic. This has been demonstrated in the 1990s with numerous
successful science missions. For examples of such research activities,
please go to:

While access is limited (there have been no dedicated missions since
1999) the program continues with Navy personnel carrying out projects
for science teams and making available regularly collected underway
measurements, such as ice draft data and water samples. The Office of
Naval Research and the National Science Foundation have reestablished
SAC to provide guidance on the program's scientific potential and

The focus of SAC will be to develop and help implement an arctic science
plan for use with U.S. Navy submarines. Ultimately, the goal of this
renewed effort is to conduct high quality under-ice science in support
of the academic and government arctic science communities.

For further information, please contact:
Paul Stewart, Chair
Submarine Arctic Science Program Interagency Committee (IAC)
Office of Naval Research
E-mail: Paul_Stewart [at]