
IPY Essay Contest
Norway and the International Polar Year
Norwegian Researchers and Teachers Association of North America

Deadline for Entries: 15 January 2008

For further information, please go to:

The Norwegian Researchers and Teachers Association of North America
(NORTANA) announces an essay contest for North American undergraduate
students on the topic "Norway and the International Polar Year."

The International Polar Year is a large scientific program focused on
the Arctic and the Antarctic that runs from March 2007 to March 2009.
Norway and Norwegians have played many active scientific, social,
political, and cultural roles in the Arctic and Antarctic regions for
hundreds of years.

Undergraduate students at any North American college or university are
invited to submit essays on topics including, but not restricted to,
Norway's activities, research, industry, Sami population, or the
creative arts in the polar regions. Additional topics might include
polar exploration, whaling, environmental projects, international
relations, climate change, and recreation. Essays may be factual or
polemical. Students who submit essays do not need to be at institutions
that teach Norwegian. Primary and secondary sources must be
acknowledged. The winning essay writer will receive a scholarship award
of $500 USD.

Essays should be approximately 1,500 words long, written in English, and
must be received by 15 January 2008. Entries should be submitted to
Louis Janus, NORTANA President, at: president [at]

Essays will be judged on quality, clarity, originality, and insights
provided. The winning essay will be published in NORTANA's newsletter
and posted on the NORTANA website at:

Questions may be directed to:
Louis Janus
University of Minnesota
Phone: 612-624-9016
E-mail: president [at]