
Session Announcement and Call for Papers
Climate Impacts on Sub-polar Seas: Mechanisms of Change and
Evidence of Response
2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting
2-7 March 2008
Orlando, Florida

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 2 October 2007

For further information, please go to:

Papers are invited for Session 034: "Climate Impacts on Sub-polar Seas:
Mechanisms of Change and Evidence of Response" being convened at the
2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting on 2-7 March 2008 in Orlando, Florida. The
meeting is co-sponsored by the American Society of Limnology and
Oceanography, American Geophysical Union, The Oceanography Society, and
Estuarine Research Federation.

Session Description:
Some of the world's most important fisheries are in the sub-polar seas.
These regions are experiencing profound changes under present warming
and are predicted to be even more highly impacted under future global
change. To understand how warming and associated changes, such as the
loss of seasonal sea ice cover, do and will affect marine ecosystems in
these areas, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms that link the
physical characteristics of the ocean and the biological systems. One
important goal is to understand how fisheries will be affected and how
fisheries themselves may influence ecosystem structure under
environmental change. This session will focus on evidence of how the
present warming is altering the structure and function of ecosystems in
the sub-polar seas and on the mechanisms whereby climate change is
likely to affect them. Session organizers welcome contributions from all
sub-polar regions. Papers comparing multiple geographic regions and
those linking multiple trophic levels or biology and physics are
especially relevant. All taxonomic groups from bacteria to whales are
potentially of interest.

George L. Hunt, Jr.
University of Washington
E-mail: geohunt2 [at]

Ken Drinkwater
Institute of Marine Research
E-mail: ken.drinkwater [at]

Jeff Napp
NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center
E-mail: Jeff.Napp [at]

Erica Head
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
E-mail: HeadE [at]

For further information and to submit an abstract, please go to: