
Funding Available for Early Career Researchers
Permafrost Training Workshop
30 November-2 December 2007
St. Petersburg, Russia

Application Deadline: Sunday, 30 September 2007

For further information, please go to:

Funding is available for early career researchers to attend the
Permafrost Training Workshop being held on 30 November-2 December 2007
in St. Petersburg, Russia. The training workshop will focus on modern
investigation techniques in the field of permafrost science and will
provide a learning and meeting ground for young permafrost researchers
from Russia and the rest of the world.

The workshop is sponsored by the Otto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and
Marine Research (OSL) at the State Research Center for Arctic and
Antarctic Research (AARI), Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
(APECS), and the Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN).

PYRN will provide between seven and ten full travel grants to PYRN
and/or APECS members and ten travel grants to members from Russian
institutions. Application forms are available at:

Applications must be submitted by Sunday, 30 September 2007. It is
expected that successful applicants will be notified by 10 October 2007.