
Call for Papers
4th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting
11-14 December 2007
Collingwood, Ontario, Canada

Abstract Submission and Early Registration Deadline: 28 September 2007

For further information, please go to:

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited for the 4th
ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM2007) being held on 11-14
December 2007 in Collingwood, Ontario.

ASM2007 is the largest annual arctic science meeting held in Canada and
the major ArcticNet networking event of the year. All ArcticNet Network
Investigators are expected to attend the meeting and to encourage their
students' participation. The meeting is also open to anyone with an
interest in the impacts of climate change in the Canadian Arctic and the
work of ArcticNet and its partners. Conference organizers welcome the
participation of scientists, policy and decision makers, representatives
of government and non-government organizations, and media.

ArcticNet is a Network of Centres of Excellence of Canada that brings
together scientists and managers in the natural, human health, and
social sciences with their partners in Inuit organizations, northern
communities, federal and provincial agencies, and the private sector to
study the impacts of climate change in the coastal Canadian Arctic. Over
one hundred ArcticNet researchers from twenty-seven Canadian
universities and five federal departments collaborate with research
teams in the USA, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland, United
Kingdom, Spain, Russia, Greenland, and France.

For further information about ASM2007, including registration, abstract
submission instructions, and the conference program, please go to: