
Weekly Digest Option Now Available for ArcticInfo

To change your subscription to the weekly digest, send an e-mail with
"subscribe digest arcticinfo" in the body to: requests [at]

Dear ArcticInfo Subscribers,

We would like to announce a new weekly digest option for receiving
ArcticInfo announcements. The digest will be sent every Wednesday at
8:00 a.m. (Alaska time) and is a compilation of all messages posted to
ArcticInfo the previous week. If you sign up for this option, you will
receive only one e-mail each week from ArcticInfo.

To sign up for the digest, send an e-mail to: requests [at],
with "subscribe digest arcticinfo" in the body of the message.

If you wish to unsubscribe from digest mode, send an e-mail to:
arcticinfo-unsub [at]

Simply disregard this message if you wish to continue receiving
ArcticInfo announcements as they are posted daily.

Wendy K. Warnick
Executive Director