
Position Announcement
Bering Sea Sub Network
Aleut International Association
Anchorage, Alaska

Positions Open Until Filled

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Jim Gamble, Assistant Director
E-mail: aia [at]

The Aleut International Association seeks to fill three positions for
Bering Sea Sub Network (BSSN): International Community-Based Observation
Alliance for Arctic Observing Network, an IPY project funded by the
National Science Foundation that will be implemented in cooperation with
the University of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska Native Science Commission,
and UNEP-GRID Arendal from June 2007 through May 2009.

The open positions are Senior Project Coordinator, Data Management
Research Assistant, and Administrative Assistant.

The overall goal of BSSN is to improve the scientific knowledge of the
environmental changes in the BSSN region that have significance for the
understanding of pan-arctic processes to enable scientists, arctic
communities, and governments to predict, plan, and respond to these

BSSN will address:
- historical and present distribution and properties of economic and
subsistence-important species as derived from collective indigenous and
traditional knowledge;
- types of major variables and indicators that could be correlated with
western science to develop predictable models based on indigenous and
traditional knowledge; and
- spatial and temporal convergence and divergence of community-derived
and western science data.

The project will result in a report entitled "The State of the Bering
Sea Bioresources: Perspectives of Local Residents," an assessment based
on observations of local and indigenous residents. Observations will be
collected across the network using standard protocols and will be based
on sophisticated surveying methods, such as Cognitive Interviewing
techniques. The BSSN project is composed of six participating
communities: Gambell, Togiak, and Sand Point in Alaska; and Lorino,
Tymlat, and Nikolskoye in Russia.

Complete position descriptions, including required qualifications and
application instructions, are available at: