
Funding Opportunity
Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic
Science and Engineering Careers
Program Solicitation NSF 07-582
National Science Foundation

Full Proposal Deadlines:
Institutional Transformation Planning Grants (IT-Start): 6 December 2007
Institutional Transformation (IT): 6 December 2007
Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation and Dissemination (PAID):
17 January 2008

For further information, please go to:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces Program Solicitation NSF
07-582: "Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in
Academic Science and Engineering Careers (ADVANCE)."

Synopsis of Program:
The pursuit of new scientific and engineering knowledge and its use in
service to society requires talent, perspectives, and insight that can
only be assured by increasing diversity in the science, engineering, and
technological workforce. One of NSF's key strategic goals is to
cultivate a world-class, broadly inclusive science and engineering
workforce and expand the scientific literacy of all citizens.
Investments are directed at programs that strengthen scientific and
engineering (S&E) research potential and education programs at all
levels. These outcomes are essential to the nation as we progress toward
an increasingly technological job market and a scientifically complex

To meet the continuing strong demand for a highly educated and
technologically savvy workforce it is important that every American has
an opportunity to achieve and to contribute in mathematics, engineering,
and science. Women comprise an increasing percentage of the overall U.S.
workforce and of science and engineering majors at academic
institutions, but constitute only 27 percent of the science and
engineering workforce at large. Although women earn half of the
bachelors degrees in science and engineering, they continue to be
significantly underrepresented in almost all science and engineering
fields, constituting 29 percent (in 2003) of doctoral science and
engineering faculty in four-year colleges and universities and only 18
percent of full professors. Women from minority groups are particularly
underrepresented in science and engineering, constituting approximately
3 percent of science and engineering faculty in four-year colleges and

The goal of the ADVANCE program is to develop systemic approaches to
increase the representation and advancement of women in academic science
and engineering careers, thereby contributing to the development of a
more diverse science and engineering workforce. Creative strategies to
realize this goal are sought from women and men. Members of
underrepresented minority groups and individuals with disabilities are
especially encouraged to apply. Proposals that address the participation
and advancement of women with disabilities and of women from
underrepresented minority groups are encouraged.

In 2008, this program will support the following types of ADVANCE

  • Institutional Transformation Planning Grants (IT-Start), which support
    basic data collection and analysis functions necessary to understand the
    status of women faculty in academic science and engineering at
    institutions seeking institutional transformation. This category of
    award is intended to broaden the spectrum of institutions participating
    in ADVANCE activities. IT-Start awards seek to include institutions with
    varying institutional scope, sizes, experiences, and perspectives, for
    example (but not limited to): primarily undergraduate institutions,
    teaching intensive colleges, community colleges, minority-serving
    institutions (e.g., tribal colleges, Historically Black Colleges and
    Universities, Hispanic serving institutions) as well as women's
    colleges. Full proposal deadline: 6 December 2007

  • Institutional Transformation (IT) Awards, which support academic
    institutional transformation to promote the increased participation and
    advancement of women scientists and engineers in academe. These awards
    support innovative and comprehensive programs for institution-wide
    change. Full proposal deadline: 6 December 2007

  • Partnerships for Adaptation, Implementation, and Dissemination (PAID)
    Awards, which support analysis, adaptation, dissemination, and use of
    existing innovative materials and practices that have been demonstrated
    to be effective in increasing representation and participation of women
    in academic science and engineering careers. This category of award also
    supports proposals for developing national and/or discipline-specific
    leadership in enabling the full participation and advancement of women
    in academic science and engineering careers. Full proposal deadline: 17
    January 2008

Cognizant Program Officers:
Jessie DeAro, Program Director for ADVANCE
Phone: 703-292-5350
E-mail: jdearo [at]

Laura Kramer, Program Director for ADVANCE
Phone: 703-292-8575
E-mail: lkramer [at]

For further information, please go to: