
Book Available Online
Paleoclimate, Global Change and the Future
Edited by Keith Alverson, Raymond Bradley, Thomas Pedersen
Springer Verlag: Heidelberg, Germany

The complete book is available at:…

All chapters and figures from "Paleoclimate, Global Change and the
Future," a PAGES (Past Global Changes) synthesis book, are now available
digitally for free download.

Published in 2003, the book provides a synthesis of the past decade of
research into global changes that occurred in the Earth system in the
past. Focus is achieved by concentrating on those changes in the Earth's
past environment that best inform our evaluation of current and future
global changes and their consequences for human populations. With 221
pages and 88 figures (51 in color), the book seeks to provide a
quantitative understanding of the Earth's environment in the
geologically recent past and define the envelope of natural
environmental variability against which anthropogenic impacts on the
Earth system may be assessed.

PAGES supports research aimed at understanding the Earth's past
environment in order to make predictions for the future, encourages
international and interdisciplinary collaborations, and seeks to involve
scientists from developing countries in the worldwide paleo-community.
PAGES' scope of interest includes the physical climate system,
biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem processes, biodiversity, and human
dimensions, all on different time scales - Pleistocene, Holocene, last
millennium, and the recent past.

The complete book is available at:…

For further information about PAGES, please go to: