
Position Announcement
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Center for Alaska Native Health Research (CANHR)
Institute of Arctic Biology
University of Alaska Fairbanks

For further information about CANHR, please go to:

or contact:
Bert Boyer
Phone: 907-474-7733
E-mail: bert.boyer [at]

The Center for Alaska Native Health Research (CANHR) and the Institute
of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks invite
applications for a tenure-track faculty position with emphasis on
nutrition, physical activity, and obesity prevention. This is a
nine-month base academic appointment with additional three months of
funding from investigator-initiated grants. Candidates at the associate
or assistant professor level will be considered. The successful
candidate is expected to develop an active, extramurally funded research
program with preferred areas of interest to include obesity, diabetes,
chronic disease prevention and interventions, or other areas of applied
nutrition-related research relevant to Alaska Native people. Teaching
expectations are 1-2 undergraduate or graduate level courses per year
and training of graduate students. Departmental affiliation will be
determined after on-campus interviews and will be appropriate to the
candidate's discipline.

Required qualifications include an earned doctoral degree in nutrition
or related field such as exercise physiology, epidemiology, health
behavior, or psychology. Applications are encouraged from individuals
with experience in obesity prevention and clinical or community
interventions, and consideration will also be given to strong candidates
with expertise in any of the following areas: assessment of diet and
physical activity, nutritional-ecology, -epidemiology, -physiology,
and/or nutritional biochemistry. Demonstrated excellence in teaching and
the ability to communicate effectively with community groups is
essential. Applicants should have a demonstrable commitment to working
with indigenous peoples.

The successful candidate will receive generous start-up support and have
access to research resources through the CANHR program, Institute of
Arctic Biology, Core Facility for Nucleic Acid Research, and Arctic
Region Supercomputing Center. Core resources in genetics, biostatistics,
nutrition, culture, and intervention are actively being developed at
CANHR. The Center has established a visiting Presidential Scholar
Program that facilitates interactions and fosters collaborative
opportunities with world-renowned scientists who spend extended periods
of time at CANHR. The Center's working relationship with Alaska Native
health corporations and community-based participatory research practices
facilitates the development of new research opportunities in rural
Alaska Native communities.

In order to apply for this position, a UA Applicant Form must be
completed and submitted along with a cover letter, curriculum vita,
statements of teaching philosophy and research interest, two
representative publications, and the names of at least three references.
Complete application information is available at:

The position will remain open until filled. The University of Alaska is
an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and Educational
Institution. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.