
PhD Fellowship Available
Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution
University Joseph Fourier
Grenoble, France

Application Deadline: 3 September 2007

For further information, please contact:
Catherine Ritz
E-mail: catritz [at]

The University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France invites applications
for a three-year Marie Curie PhD fellowship involving a model/data
approach to study Antarctic ice sheet evolution. The research will be
done in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Geophysique
de l'Environnement (LGGE) in Grenoble, France; Laboratoire d'Etudes en
Geophysique et Oceanographie spatiale (LEGOS) in Toulouse, France; and
University of Bristol, UK.

The objective of this work is to improve estimations of the Antarctic
ice sheet evolution in the future and more precisely to characterize the
relative impacts of ice streams dynamics and surface mass balance
variations. This study will combine data from remote sensing over ice
(LEGOS), large scale ice sheet modeling (LGGE), climate modeling
(University of Bristol) and will benefit from discussion with the
glaciological group in Bristol. Because of the size of the polar ice
sheets, remote sensing provides a unique method to get homogeneous,
global, and synoptic observations. These observations, especially the
precise topography from space and its variation with time as well as the
mass balance derived from gravimetry, will be used to constrain the
large scale ice sheet model by comparing the signature of various
processes in both observations and the model. It is expected that the
ice sheet model will be substantially improved with this approach.
Climate modeling outputs will then be used to force the ice sheet model
in the future and simulate the evolution of the ice sheet. During the
course of the PhD study the candidate is expected to work with
researchers at both LGGE and LEGOS and spend an extended period of six
months at University of Bristol.

Applicants should preferably have a background (MSc) in physics or Earth
sciences, mathematics, continuum mechanics, and more specifically
modeling and/or remote sensing, and must have spent less than twelve
months in France during the last five years. Before applying for the
position, applicants should consult the definition of Early Stage
Researcher (ESR) as well as other eligibility requirements for the Marie
Curie Actions at:

Applicants should submit a detailed curriculum vitae, letter describing
relevant experience and research interests, and the name and address of
one academic referee to:
Catherine Ritz
LGGE, 54 rue Moliere 38402
Saint Martin d'Heres cedex
E-mail: catritz [at]

E-mail applications are preferred and must be submitted by 3 September