
Position Announcement
Manager of IT Systems and Operations
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Boulder, Colorado

Position will remain open until filled.

For further information, please go to:

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of
Colorado at Boulder is accepting applications for the position of
Manager of IT Systems and Operations.

The successful candidate will manage a staff of professionals
responsible for NSIDC's technical infrastructure, which includes
multi-platform hardware and operating systems, data center facilities,
database administration, and the development and maintenance of tools
and services required for the ingest, archive, distribution, and
analysis of scientific data.

Management responsibilities include supervising a staff of systems
architecture, systems engineering, systems administration, database
management, security, and Web services professionals, and providing
leadership for short- and long-range planning for technology

Technical responsibilities include the development and maintenance of
the center-wide system IT resources for data ingest, archive, and
distribution, shared scientific computing capability, desktop computing
capability, network services, access to external resources, security,
performance monitoring, and configuration management, as well as
providing technical support in one or more of the areas supervised such
as systems administration, systems engineering, or data base

Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree, 5+ years of IT related
experience, including 3+ years of management experience, experience with
Unix, PC, and Macintosh systems, ability to communicate with others in a
service oriented setting, knowledge of databases, Web interfaces, and
network administration, knowledge of infrastructure requirements and
components of local and wide area networks, Internet, and intranets,
knowledge of scripting and programming languages, and the ability to
travel and present at professional meetings.

Desired qualifications include experience managing data, within both
traditional data bases and large-scale centralized or distributed file
systems, experience managing networked systems with multiple servers and
multiple storage devices, knowledge of Web services and Web 2.0
capabilities as applied to science, training or experience in Earth
science and remote sensing, and knowledge of NASA's Earth Observing
System and NSF's cyberinfrastructure programs.

Applications marked with job code NSIDC-13 and consisting of a letter of
interest, full resume, salary history, and names and contact information
of three references should be submitted to:

CIRES Human Resources
Job Code NSIDC-13
216 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0216
Fax: 303-492-1149
E-mail: jobs [at]

Limited relocation assistance is available for this position. The
University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and equality
in education and employment.

For further information, please go to: