
Position Announcement
Director, Byrd Polar Research Center
The Ohio State University

Application review ongoing until position is filled.

For further information, please go to:

The Byrd Polar Research Center (BPRC) at Ohio State University is
seeking a dynamic and accomplished new Director. BPRC's mission is to
conduct exceptional multi-disciplinary research in polar processes,
Earth system sciences, global climate change, and environmental

The Director will lead BPRC in pursuit of excellence in existing
research programs and increase its national and international
recognition in the areas of understanding climate variability, detecting
and interpreting changes in modern physical and biological systems, and
predicting future environmental changes and their consequences for
society. The Director will provide a vision for growth of BPRC and a
further broadening of its research focus to enhance its global

To apply, please send a curriculum vitae, statement of research
interest, description of relevant management experience, and the names
of three references to:
Professor David Bromwich, Chair
Search Committee for BPRC Director
Office of Research
The Ohio State University
208 Bricker Hall, 190 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210

The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications immediately and
continue until a suitable candidate is found. The Ohio State University
is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and
minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.