
Postdoctoral Research Position Available
Physical Oceanographer
Norwegian Polar Institute

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 25 July 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Edmond Hansen
Phone: +47-77-75-05-36
E-mail: edmond.hansen [at]

or contact:
Nalan Koc
Phone: +47-77-75-06-54
E-mail: nalan.koc [at]

The Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI), Polar Climate Program, invites
applications for a 2.5-year postdoctoral research position in physical

The successful applicant will conduct research on the role of fresh
water in the dynamics of the Nordic Seas. The research will mainly focus
on the fate of arctic freshwater exported through Fram Strait and will
be based on analysis of data from moorings and recent cruises. The
position is part of iAOOS-Norway, an IPY project running through 2010.
The candidate must be willing to participate on scientific cruises and
fieldwork in the Arctic.

NPI seeks candidates with good knowledge of Nordic Seas properties and
their role in the climate system. The applicant must hold a PhD or
possess equivalent experience within physical oceanography. Experience
from cruises and/or oceanographic data analysis is an asset. The
candidate will start as soon as possible. Female candidates are
encouraged to apply for the position.

The application should include a CV, name of referees, list of
publications, and details of relevant qualifications and experience. NPI
prefers that an electronic application be submitted at:

Paper copies may be submitted to:
Norwegian Polar Institute
Polar Environmental Center
9296 Tromso

Applications must be received by Wednesday, 25 July 2007. Applicants
should not submit original documents as enclosures will not be returned.