
Call for Artist Submissions
Synthesis: Collaborations, Investigations, and Discoveries
Arctic AAAS Conference
September 2007
Anchorage, Alaska

Deadline for Submissions: Friday, 20 July 2007
Accepted Artwork Due: Friday, 31 August 2007

For further information, please click the "Synthesis" link at:

or contact:
Annie Duffy
E-mail: synthesis [at]

The Arctic Division of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) is seeking works by artists that are inspired or
influenced by science for an exhibition entitled "Synthesis:
Collaborations, Investigations, and Discoveries." The exhibition will be
held 7-28 September 2007 in conjunction with the 2007 Arctic AAAS
Conference in Anchorage, Alaska.

The emphasis of this second annual Arctic AAAS-sponsored exhibit is art
created in collaboration with a particular scientist, science project,
or theme. Collaborations can be direct or indirect, e.g. actively
working in tandem with a science professional or working from historical
journals or field notes. The exhibit will explore the unique creative
exchanges between artists and scientists and illustrate the common
ground that artists and scientists share, as well as how they differ.
Preference will be given to artwork involving northern or circumpolar

Works dealing with all aspects of the sciences through artistic
expression and media will be considered, including installation and
electronic media. Please note that because of gallery space limitations,
large-scale installation pieces cannot be accepted. All work must have
been completed between 2005 and 2007.

Selected works from the exhibition may be included in Arctic AAAS
publications. Artists should not submit work that cannot be used in
exhibition catalogs, websites, or other division publications.

For complete exhibition details and instructions for submitting artwork,
please click the "Synthesis" link at:

or contact:
Annie Duffy
E-mail: synthesis [at]