
New Website Available
World Ocean Forum On-Line Event: International Polar Year

The website is available at:

The World Ocean Observatory (W2O), an organization dedicated to
information, education, and public discourse about the ocean defined as
an integrated global social system, announces the website, World Ocean
Forum On-Line Event: International Polar Year.

Many physical and biological systems on Earth appear to be experiencing
substantial recent changes, beyond the expected range of natural
variability. These changes show most clearly, and appear to happen most
quickly, at the poles. Between 2007 and 2009, thousands of physical,
biological, and social scientists from more than 60 nations will study
the polar regions as part of the International Polar Year (IPY).

The World Ocean Observatory is working in partnership with IPY on
several projects during this time that will be accessible on the website
as they occur over the next two years. The website features scientist
interviews and the W2O newsletter.

The website is available at: