
June Issue of the Journal ARCTIC
Volume 60, Number 2
Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)

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The Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) announces publication of
the June 2007 issue of the journal ARCTIC, now in its 60th year of
continuous publication. A non-profit membership organization and
multidisciplinary research institute of the University of Calgary, AINA
advances the study of the North American and circumpolar Arctic through
the natural and social sciences, as well as the arts and humanities, and
acquires, preserves, and disseminates information on physical,
environmental, and social conditions in the North. Created as a
bi-national corporation in 1945, the Institute's U.S. corporation is
housed at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The following papers appear in the June 2007 issue of ARCTIC:

"How Political Change Paved the Way for Indigenous Knowledge: The
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act"
By: Julia Christensen and Miriam Grant

"Freshwater Mollusks Survive Fish Gut Passage"
By: Randy J. Brown

"The Mackenzie Inuit Whale Bone Industry: Raw Material, Tool
Manufacture, Scheduling, and Trade"
By: Matthew W. Betts

"Possible Use of Foresight, Understanding, and Planning by Wolves
Hunting Muskoxen"
By: L. David Mech

"Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Arctic: The Case of
Nunavut, Canada"
By: James Ford, Tristan Pearce, Barry Smit, Johanna Wandel, Mishak
Allurut, Kik Shappa, Harry Ittusujurat and Kevin Qrunnut

"Gray Whale Calls Recorded near Barrow, Alaska, throughout the Winter of
By: K.M. Stafford, S.E. Moore, M. Spillane and S. Wiggins

"Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Runoff and Annual Water
Balance of an Arctic Headwater Basin"
By: S. Pohl, P. Marsh and B.R. Bonsal

"Post-Den Emergence Behavior of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in
Northern Alaska"
By: Tom S. Smith, Steven T. Partridge, Steven C. Amstrup and Scott

"Drinking Water and Potential Threats to Human Health in Nunavik:
Adaptation Strategies under Climate Change Conditions"
By: Daniel Martin, Diane Belanger, Pierre Gosselin, Josee Brazeau, Chris
Furgal and Serge Dery

The issue also contains six book reviews, an obituary for Albert Lincoln
Washburn (AINA's first executive director) by Carl S. Benson, and an
obituary for archaeologist Jorgen Meldgaard by Martin Appelt, Bjarne
Gronnow and Hans Christian Gullov. The InfoNorth essay for the June
issue by Douglas R. Stenton tells how residents of the Baffin Island
community of Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet) undertook to relocate and protect
the graves of Robert S. Janes and Hector Pitchforth.