
Call for Papers
Remote Regions / Northern Development Sessions
Western Regional Science Association 47th Annual Meeting
17-20 February 2008
Waikoloa, Hawaii

Paper Submission Deadline: 1 November 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Lee Huskey
University of Alaska Anchorage
E-mail: aflh [at]

The forty-seventh annual meeting of the Western Regional Science
Association (WRSA) will be held on 17-20 February 2008 on the Big Island
of Hawaii at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort. The WRSA meeting
includes a series of Remote Regions / Northern Development sessions to
accommodate social scientists who have a special interest in research on
economic, social, political, and cultural issues in remote, sparsely
settled regions in the circumpolar north and elsewhere.

Papers are invited for the Remote Regions / Northern Development
sessions from economists, political scientists, anthropologists,
sociologists, historians, planners, and others involved in research in
northern and other remote regions. Examples of specific topics for
papers include the consequences of new technology, effects of government
expenditures, conditions for success or failure of development projects,
relations between subsistence and market economies, regional benefits
and costs of development, economic integration and cultural
preservation, community development, changing social patterns, and
Native sovereignty and federalism. Papers on any topic consistent with
the general theme are welcomed.

Papers addressing two particular topics are especially welcome: (1)
migration in remote regions and (2) institutional change and resource
governance in remote regions. Meeting organizers also welcome
suggestions for special sessions, particularly those that will address a
particular theme from the perspectives of a number of countries or
regions. Participants interested in organizing such a session should
Lee Huskey
University of Alaska Anchorage
E-mail: aflh [at]