
Position Announcement
Anthropology Program
University of Northern British Columbia

Application Review Begins: Friday, 15 June 2007

For further information, please contact:
Karin Beeler
Phone: 250-960-6640
E-mail: beeler [at]

or contact:
Michel Bouchard
E-mail: michel [at]

The Anthropology Program at University of Northern British Columbia
(UNBC) announces two full-time term instructor positions during the Fall
2007 and Winter 2008 semesters. Emphasis will be on hiring two
Sociocultural Anthropologists. Each instructor will teach six courses
(three courses per semester). The successful candidates will be expected
to teach one or two sections of an introductory course in Anthropology
and other courses at the lower and upper division levels (including at
least one course in the candidates' area of choice). Candidates should
possess a PhD in a relevant discipline (or be near degree completion)
and demonstrate capability for effective undergraduate teaching.
Experienced candidates with other credentials and a strong teaching
record will also be considered.

To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae quoting competition number
FAAN12-07 to:
The Office of the Provost
University of Northern British Columbia
3333 University Way
Prince George, BC
V2N 4Z9 Canada
Fax: 250-960-5791
E-mail: FacultyRecruitment [at]

Candidates should also arrange to have three confidential letters of
reference sent to the same address by Friday, 15 June 2007.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority, however. UNBC is committed
to employment equity and encourages applications from women, aboriginal
peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities.
Applications received on or before Friday, 15 June 2007 will receive
full consideration, though applications will be accepted until the
positions are filled.