
PhD Position Available
IPY Glaciodyn Project
Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Technology
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)
≈s, Norway

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 5 June 2007

For more information, please contact:
Professor Cecilie Rolstad
Phone: +47 64 96 54 73 or +47 97 08 55 10
E-mail: cecilie.rolstad [at]

A 3-year PhD position is available at the Institute of Mathematical
Sciences and Technology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB).
The candidate will be part of the International Polar Year project
Glaciodyn. The goal of this project is to investigate the role of ice
dynamics in the response of arctic glaciers and ice caps to global
warming, to improve prediction of future changes and their impact on
freshwater fluxes to the ocean and thus global sea level.

The key aims of IPY Glaciodyn are to (1) apply optimized observational
techniques in glacier monitoring, and (2) develop robust, predictive
models that include key dynamic processes. Predicting glacier response
to climate change requires accurate parameterization of surface and
dynamic processes, and robust and versatile methods for modeling their
evolution and interaction. The Norwegian component of Glaciodyn will
address these issues in a set of complementary glacier observation and
modeling programs focusing on four sites in Svalbard: Austfonna and
Kronebreen/Kongsvegen and Norway; Engabreen and Langfjordj¯kulen,
representing the range of glacier types in arctic Norway. There are six
Norwegian partners in the project: Oslo University, the Norwegian Polar
Institute, Norut IT, University studies at Svalbard (UNIS), Norwegian
Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), and UMB. The PhD candidate
will cooperate with the scientists and PhD students in the project.

The PhD project at UMB will focus on remote sensing/photogrammetry for
ice dynamic studies, and/or numerical ice flow modeling of Autsfonna,
Svalbard. The candidate should have a Master degree in geomatics,
glaciology or numerical modeling.

Applicants should submit three copies of their written application,
detailed CV, certificates, references and any relevant scientific work
or publications.

The application must be marked 07/494 and sent to:
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology
PO Box 5003
1432 ≈s, Norway

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 5 June 2007

For more information, please contact:
Professor Cecilie Rolstad
Phone: +47 64 96 54 73 or +47 97 08 55 10
E-mail: cecilie.rolstad [at]