
NSF Solicitation Announcement
Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring for
Our 21st Century Workforce - CI-TEAM (NSF 07-564)

Proposal Deadline: Monday, 27 August 2007

For more information, including complete solicitation, please go to:

New information, communication, and computational technologies have had
profound impacts on the practice of science and engineering. Linked to
create a comprehensive cyberinfrastructure, the systems, tools, and
services emerging from these new technologies are enabling individuals,
groups, and organizations to advance research and education in ways that
revolutionize who can participate, what they can do, and how they do it.
Sustaining this revolution across all areas of science and engineering
requires the formation of a workforce with the knowledge and skills
needed to design and deploy as well as adopt and apply these cyber-based
systems, tools and services over the long-term. The opportunity for such
preparation should be available at all stages of formal and informal
education, training and professional development, and must be extended
to all interested individuals and communities.

The CI-TEAM program supports projects that position the national science
and engineering community to engage in integrated research and education
activities promoting, leveraging and utilizing cyberinfrastructure
systems, tools and services.

This solicitation seeks two types of project proposals, both aimed at
the preparation of a diverse, cyberinfrastructure-savvy science and
engineering workforce. One type of proposal, the Demonstration Project,
is exploratory in nature and may be somewhat limited in scope and scale.
Demonstration Projects have the potential to serve as exemplars to
effective larger-scale implementation activities in the future. The
other project type, the Implementation Project, is generally larger in
scope or scale and draws on prior experience with the activities or the
teams proposed. Implementation Projects are expected to deliver
sustainable learning and workforce development activities that
complement ongoing NSF investment in cyberinfrastructure.

Following merit review of the proposals received, the National Science
Foundation (NSF) expects to select for support 12 to 15 Demonstration
Projects at up to $250,000 total each and 7 to 12 Implementation
Projects at up to $1,000,000 total each that together constitute a rich
portfolio of cyberinfrastructure-related workforce development

Abstracts of CI-TEAM Demonstration Projects funded in FY05 and FY06 can
be found at:

Additional information on cyberinfrastructure can be found in the NSF's
Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery website:
and in the Report of the Blue-Ribbon Advisory Panel on
Cyberinfrastructure (The Atkins Report) available at:

For more information, including complete solicitation, please go to: