
Call for Nominations
SCICEX Science Advisory Committee

Nomination Deadline: Friday, 8 June 2007

Please submit nominations by email to:
Paul Stewart, Chair
The Submarine Arctic Science Program Interagency Committee (IAC)
Office of Naval Research
E-mail: Paul_Stewart [at]

Since 1993, the U.S. Navy has provided access to U.S. submarines
operating in the Arctic Ocean for civilian academic research under a
program often referred to as SCICEX. The federal agencies that fund
arctic marine science believe that existing fleet submarines are unique
research platforms in the Arctic, as has been demonstrated in the 1990s
with numerous successful science missions.

For examples of research success, please go to:

While access is limited, (there have been no dedicated missions since
1999), the program continues with navy personnel carrying out projects
for science teams, and making regularly collected underway measurements
available, e.g. ice draft data. However, in order to provide guidance to
the program on the scientific potential and priorities, the Office of
Naval Research (ONR) and the National Science Foundation have agreed to
reestablish a science advisory committee (SAC).

The focus of the SAC will be to develop and help implement an arctic
science plan for use with U.S. Naval submarine assets. Ultimately, the
goal of this renewed effort is to conduct high quality under-ice science
in support of the academic and government arctic science communities. It
is expected that the SAC will be made up of representatives from
sponsoring agencies and 7 members from academia with one serving as

The Submarine Arctic Science Program Interagency Committee (IAC)
requests nominations for membership to the Submarine Arctic Science
Program Science Advisory Committee (SAC). The IAC and SAC are
constituted under a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entitled "Submarine
Arctic Science Program Phase 2" signed by Commander, Submarine Forces
Atlantic, Commander, Submarine Forces Pacific, the Chief of Naval
Research, and the National Science Foundation. In a 24 April meeting,
re-commitment to the MOA was stated by the representative agencies.

Nomination Deadline: Friday, 8 June 2007

Please submit nominations by email to:
Paul Stewart, Chair
The Submarine Arctic Science Program Interagency Committee (IAC)
Office of Naval Research
E-mail: Paul_Stewart [at]