
PhD Position Available
Antarctic Atmospheric and Glaciochemistry
University of California, Merced

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Markus M. Frey
E-mail: mfrey [at]

or contact:
Roger C. Bales
E-mail: rbales [at]

The University of California, Merced is accepting applications for a PhD
position in Antarctic atmospheric and glaciochemistry as part of the
project, "Atmospheric, Snow and Firn Chemistry Studies for
Interpretation of WAIS Divide Cores."

The primary aim of the project is to improve understanding of
atmospheric chemistry over Antarctica, currently and as recorded in
snow, firn, and ice. This will involve quantitatively interpreting the
chemical record expected from the WAIS-Divide core in terms of past
atmospheric change and comparing past changes to recent perturbations
such as increases in greenhouse gases, stratospheric ozone depletion,
and large volcanic eruptions. To accomplish this investigators will make
atmospheric, snow, and firn-core measurements of gases that are tightly
linked to the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. Target chemical
species include peroxides, formaldehyde, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and
nitrate. Experimental results will be linked with both year-round
atmospheric and surface-snow measurements at South Pole and spatial
measurements made previously as part of the West Antarctic ITASE
traverses. Records of past atmospheric chemistry will come from
analyzing firn cores to develop chemical records, analyzing selected
sections of the deep core, and working with other investigators who will
make continuous measurements in the deep core. Atmosphere-snow-ice
transfer models validated for snow and shallow firn cores and
atmospheric photochemical models will be applied to interpret the longer
ice-core records.

The PhD position involves preparation of Antarctic fieldwork,
calibration/maintenance of instruments, and on-site measurements of
shallow cores and the surface-near atmosphere at the WAIS Divide site
during two field seasons in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. Modeling of current
and past atmospheric chemistry to interpret the results will be done in
close collaboration with the NASA-Goddard Institute for Space Studies
and NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center.

The successful applicant will join a research group experienced in polar
atmospheric and snow chemistry, atmosphere-snow exchange processes, and
climate change in both Greenland and Antarctica. The project will be
integrated in the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project and interaction and
collaboration within this multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional
framework are expected.

Essential qualifications for the position are a strong chemistry and/or
physics background, demonstrated skills in both lab and fieldwork under
harsh conditions, and the ability to work independently. Desirable
attributes include experience in at least one programming language (e.g.
C, Fortran, Matlab, Unix), interest in environmental/climate change
research, and good communication skills.

Funded by the NSF Office of Polar Programs, the project will start 1
September 2007 and will include full support for one graduate student
based at University of California, Merced.

For further information, including application procedures, please
Markus M. Frey
E-mail: mfrey [at]

or contact:
Roger C. Bales
E-mail: rbales [at]