
New "Ice Graph" Tool Available
Canadian Ice Service
Environment Canada

The Ice Graph tool is available at:…;

For further information, please contact:
John Falkingham
Phone: 613-996-4552
E-mail: John.Falkingham [at]

A new Ice Graph tool to visualize ice cover variability in Canadian
waters is now available on Environment Canada's Canadian Ice Service
(CIS) website. The Ice Graph tool allows users to quickly generate ice
cover graphs for a number of pre-defined areas in Canadian waters
including the Northwest Passage. The tool uses summarized ice cover data
(by ice type for each of the pre-defined areas) produced from the CIS
Regional Charts from 1968 to present. The output product is a series of
bar graphs depicting ice cover variability and trends based on user
input. The Ice Graph can be accessed from the CIS Ice Archive webpage or
directly at:…;